1st Church College Station shares a common heritage with all Christians who have come together for the purpose of reaching pepole where they are and offering Jesus Christ to a diverse community. This is our global news blog about 1st Church and the community we live in.

Friday, May 4, 2012

PAIN is the indicator that something needs to CHANGE.

CHANGE is when something good is happening to us that we do not see right away, but should joyfully activate, anticipate, and wait to celebrate. Sound familiar? Sounds like when God first begin HIS work to change us doesn’t it. It was a painful experience,but as we look back and testify of it today, it was a wonderful one!

 We didn’t know what or how, but we knew something was chang-ing, happening within us. Did you ever ask yourself … Did the desire for CHANGE introduce the PAIN, or did the introduction of PAINcome to meet the need for CHANGE? What started the Spiritual metamorphosis?
I imagine this is something we probably never give much thought. We just go about happily embellishing the freedom we now ex-perience with our new life. Don’t celebrate this metamorphic celebration too soon, remember it was the “antidote of the Holy Ghost” that masterfully transformed us, therefore HE must be kept on board at all times, otherwise self will come to CHANGE us back, (reversemetamorphosis).

 This reverse CHANGE experience is even more PAINFUL, and there is no reward in this difference of CHANGE, So, be anxious for nothing. Allow CHANGE (Patience) to have her perfect work in our life, knowing that In every thing we experience,there will be PAIN, and pain results in CHANGE. Slow Pain-good Change. No pain-No gain. [GROWING PAINS ARE SUPPOSED TO HURT.]

Blessings.. Heart2Heart
Sister Jdg. Rose

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Father, I ask that YOU Please…

Render the enemy that comes to kill, steal and destroy powerless and harmless in every life …
Fashion every heart like YOURS, that YOUR fruit will abound in and through us .
Give us clear, sharp and healthy minds and bodies.
Guard us, our families and all YOUR People with many warring & caring angels.
Have YOUR perfect Way with all of us in Jesus’ Holy and Righteous Name.
Continue forgiving us and teaching us the POWER & GIFT in Forgiving others.
Help us to follow YOUR clear and meaningful Purpose.
Release all things into our hands as we commit fully to trusting only YOU.
Help us to cease being an accuser of the brethren, replacing it with YOUR abundant LOVE & UNDERSTANDING.
TAKE OUT OF US, ADD TO US, DO ANYTHING WITH US that YOU desire to the good of the Kingdom.
In the awesome NAME that is above all NAMES, we submit this Prayer to you..

Blessings.. Heart2Heart
Sister Jdg. Rose

Monday, April 30, 2012

“Big Faith.”

There is nothing more certain on this Christian journey than our desperate need of one another, our responsibility
to be there to help “a brother/sister out”, to know that FAITH is the big stick [for our problems] and lastly, GOD planned it all this way.”
Being a Christian means joy, peace and contentment. But everyday ain’t gonna be a happy day. Christians experience problems,pain and suffering just as everyone else. However this is often worldly misconstrued because most think if you’re a Christian, you
don’t have problems. But know this, many Christians add even more pain to their suffering because of this very mindset.
I believe if we are here on earth for anything, it is to help each other through the tough times. Even If we can’t understand all that’shappening to our fellow Christians, its quite alright, we don’t have to know “why or what”, just “HOW” can we help. We merely needto extend our caring hearts and committed hands, share the Word, let them know to depend on Jesus, but while doing so, they cancertainly count on you to be there. Tell them to “grab hold” and believe that your Big Faith is enough to keep the both of you going until their Faith is strong enough, catches up and overtakes that problem that once chased them.
Blessings… Its going to be a wonderful week.. Let’s share our Big Faith with someone in need”

Blessings.. Heart2Heart

Sister Jdg. Rose

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Good Morning …. “Jesus wants to meet us where we are…”

Just as HE met the Samaritan woman, HE will meet us too. Remember the story? When she traded her messes and miseries for HIS magnificent LOVE, healing, forgiveness and understanding at the well. How did her needs get met? How did she become a recipient of Jesus’ wonderful blessing? How did she go from being a loose woman, to being a loosed Evangelist? I wonder…especially since she
didn’t know she needed deliverance. Granted, she knew she needed something, she just didn’t know what it was.She had an encounter at the well with a man called Jesus. HE told her about her messes. She became pliable and transparent in HIShands and HE opened the door to her heart. HE revealed her deepest hidden (messes) and told her things she thought no one knew.

HE also revealed HIMSELF to her. They exchanged and quenched one another’s thirsts. She, exchanged her thirst for natural waterwith that of Spiritual water. She quickly realized all (6) of the relationships of her past could not heal her. In fact, she immediately sawthey were the cause of her mess/misery. She met Jesus face-to-face, one-on-one, connected with HIM and established a life-long re-lationship. Jesus also quenched HIS thirst because HE went out of HIS way to meet and save a soul who didn’t even know she was lost.
Jesus assures us that It doesn’t matter what our messes are, nor how long we have had them, HE wants to meet us at the well, make“the great thirst exchange” and never thirst again….

 Blessings.. Heart2Heart

Sister Jdg. Rose

Is Faultfinding your shortcoming?

No one is without imperfection. We all have faults!! So, why are we sometimes so quick to criticize others for not fixing their faults and straighten their lives? If we recognize our own fault line(s), we wouldn’t be so quick to judge the imperfections in others.
The pre-occupation of finding fault in others is a full time experience and not a very good use of time. It objective is generally to keep us from looking closely at ourselves [and our junk]. We size up people by our own standard, but this attitude has such a distasteful element of pride and prevents us from seeing and appreciating what God is doing in others and in us. Sounds like “thinking more highly of oneself”would you not say? We need not be so self-serving that we fail to see the good in everyone else.

Sister Jdg. Rose