1st Church College Station shares a common heritage with all Christians who have come together for the purpose of reaching pepole where they are and offering Jesus Christ to a diverse community. This is our global news blog about 1st Church and the community we live in.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The difference between Drive and ride is the D - discipline!

Good Morning, The difference between Drive and ride is the D - discipline!
The Faith Walk would never be, if we don’t learn to walk with blinders – holding God’s hand along the WAY.

Every morning we climb into our automobiles and take the drive to work. Its a simple, non-threatening and familiar trip. Why? Because we have
traveled it so often. We know the road, every twist, turn, signal light, curve, stop sign and pothole along the way. There’s nothing uncertain or unknown about the trip that normally deters reaching our destination. We could even possibly travel the road with blinders we know it so well.

On the other hand, consider if we were traveling to work in a direction not so familiar. Fear, nervousness, anxiety, distractions would challenge us. The fact that we know how to drive, how to use the stop sign, signal lights and take every curve isn’t enough most of the time. We need to knowwhere we’re going and have some semblance of intelligence of not just getting there, but arriving safely. Now this is a trip we couldn’t travel with blinders. Traveling a road like this [with blinders] is learning to “take the Faith Walk with God.”

Everyday of our lives we wear blinders that
subject us to the trials that the potholes, deep curves, warning lights and undisciplined drivers bring to us. But we are Overcomers!! Whenwe bathe our battles In prayer, stretch out our hands to God in obedience, let HIM drive while we ride with the discipline that “We’ll go whereverHE’s ordering our steps to take us. We don’t have to know the way, just know that HE IS THE WAY. This is what the FAITH WALK looks like !
We have no idea how It blesses God when we trust HIM to hold our hands as we travel life’s journey with blinders.
Blessings.. Have a wonderful week.

Sister Jdg. Rose